Posts tagged free swim workouts
3 Kick Sets To Level Up Your Swim

A common misconception that I hear over and over is that triathletes don’t need to work on their kick! Well that is just plain wrong! If you believe that, then I feel sad for you! I have come to the conclusion that many triathletes believe this because kicking is hard to do, it is exhausting and people hate working on things they are bad at! Lets get to work debunking that myth with these killed kick sets!

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3 Swim Workouts For Beginners

When you are new to swimming, it can be confusing to know where to start. Whether you are swimming for triathlon, pool competition or open water competition there are 3 key sessions that you should try to hit each week. Those sessions include a technique session, speed session and endurance or cardio session. The 3 workouts below are designed to help you start your swimming journey no matter what you are training for!

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How To Improve Your Swim Technique

There is no such thing as the perfect swim stroke but there is a perfect stroke for your body. No matter how good of a swimmer one is, there is always going to be room for improvement. We are going to explore the top 3 mistakes athletes make when trying to fix their freestyle stroke and then we will give you the method we use to train our athletes!

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How To Write Your Own Swim Workout

No matter what level of swimmer or triathlete you are, at some point you will want or need to start writing your own swim workouts. This can be very overwhelming if you don’t know what you are doing. In this post we are going to break down the structure of a swim workout, explain the different pieces and teach you how to write your own. Let’s write some swim sets!

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Workout Wednesday: A Mish Mash!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week we are going to have some fun and really mix things up. You are going to have a ton of fun while getting a great workout. This is the perfect off season workout for all you triathletes as it will work on you strength, explosiveness and speed.

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Workout Wednesday: Kick Kick Kick!

Happy Workout Wednesday! We are going to continue focusing on the kick this week. If you read our last post then you will know exactly why you need this in your life! If you haven’t, then you can catch up here! This week is going to make those legs burn. This is 2000 yard workout will probably have you walking on jelly legs when you get out. As always have fun, share with your friends and leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Workout Wednesday: Test Set!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week is a test set to help you benchmark all the improvements you have been making by doing our Workout Wednesday swim sets every week! After doing a nice long warm up and a prep set you will be ready to rock the test set. It isn’t a very long set but it should hurt the entire time. Get ready to have some fun and push your limits!

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Workout Wednesday: Big Lats!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week’s 3000 yard/meter workout is going to make your lats burn and build up that muscular endurance. There will be lots of pull work which means plenty of opportunities to work on the catch and pull phases of your stroke. Get ready to have some fun! If you do this right, then your lats are going to be feeling it. This swim session is perfect for any triathlete or swimmer! Don’t let your friends miss out so make sure you share this one with them.

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Workout Wednesday: Grind It Out!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week we have another a 3000 yard/meter set that is going to make your legs burn. Today is all about fast feet and working on your shoulder mobility with some tight streamlines. Whether you are a triathlete or swimmer, you can always work on your kick. The kick is the foundation of the freestyle stroke and it deserves some love!

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Workout Wednesday: Fast Feet!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week we have another a 3000 yard/meter set that is going to make your legs burn. Today is all about fast feet and working on your shoulder mobility with some tight streamlines. Whether you are a triathlete or swimmer, you can always work on your kick. The kick is the foundation of the freestyle stroke and it deserves some love!

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Workout Wednesday: Broken 200s!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week we have another quick 2200 yard/meter set that is really going to make you push the pace and work your lactate threshold. Triathletes and swimmers can both benefit from a set like today because there is no reason to hold back. Let’s have some fun!

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