5 Pool Swim Workouts For All Levels
Some of you are lucky and your pools are still open while the Covid-19 Pandemic rages on. That is great and you are one of the lucky ones! You may only have 45 to 60 minutes so you really want to make sure you have a plan so not a minute goes wasted! We have put together 5 of our go to swim sessions that you can use to help you get faster in a short amount of time! If you like these workouts, then you need to check out our 8-week training plan! Whether you are a triathlete or straight up open water swimmer, these workouts will help you improve!
Workout 1: Best Average!
1 x 200 Loosen up
4 x 75 @ :10 rest alternating 25 kick/25 drill/25 build
8 x 25 @ :10 rest all of them are build to a sprint
Main Set
6-10x 100 @ :15 rest holding best average!
This means you should try to hold the best time possible for the number of repeats on the given interval. It is faster than threshold pace but slower than a sprint.
Cool Down: 4 x 50 @ :10 rest alternating 25 drill/25 easy swim
Workout 2: Short Speed Work
1 x 200 Loosen Up
4-8x50 @ :10 rest alternate 25dril/25swim
3x100 @ :10 rest fast kick with fins and snorkel in streamline
Main Set
2-3x: 1:00 rest between rounds
20x25 @ :10 rest all holding 90% of max effort
Cool Down: 200 alternating 25 drill/25swim
Workout 3: Fartlek Session!
4 x 75 @ :10 rest alternating 25kick/25drill/25 swim
2 x 200 @ :15 rest alternate 50 fast kick/50 build swim all with fins
Main Set:
1 x 30 Minutes Non-stop swimming alternating 25 Fast/25 Cruise
Cool Down: 8 x 25 @ :05 rest alternate 25 drill/25 swim
Workout 4: Broken 200s
3 x 200 @ :10 rest Done as described below:
Swim with Snorkel
Alt 50 drill/50 swim your choice of equipment
Alt 50 fast kick/50 build swim with fins
Main Set:
3 x 400 @ 1:00 rest Done as described below:
Alternate 75 cruise/25 fast
Alternate 50 cruise/ 50 fast
Alternate 25 cruise/ 75 fast
Cool Down: Swim until you feel good or get kicked out of the pool.
Workout 5: Threshold Work
200 alternating 25drill/25kick/50build with snorkel
8 x 50 @ :10 rest sprint kick with fins
Main Set:
3-5x: No extra rest between rounds
2 x 100 @ :10 rest holding threshold pace*
1 x 100 @ 1:00 rest Sprint
Cool Down: Easy swim until you feel good or get kicked out of the pool.
*If you aren’t sure what threshold pace is or what YOUR threshold pace is, then to our CSS Calculator to learn more about it!
We hope that you enjoy these workout. You can easily modify them based on the time you have in the pool and your swim level! We would love your feedback, so if you give these a shot add your thoughts to the comments! Have fun and remember that suffering loves company so share this with your friends!
If you are looking for more workouts then check out these great resources: