Prepping For A Long Swim

If you are newer to marathon swimming, then you are also new to long training swims. There are a handful of things that you need to do before you long swim to set yourself up for success. This checklist will help you have everything in order and put you in the right mindset to crush your next long swim!

  1. Fuel Your Body Properly

    Whether you are a fan of carbo loading or a high fat, high protein meal prior to heavy training swims, make sure you fuel your body right. Do what works for you and your body! Eat a solid meal about 12 hours before your long swim to allow for thorough digestion and to allow it to “exit’ the body! Then eat your breakfast a few hours before. Make sure to follow the routine that you have practiced time and time again!

  2. Prepare & Label Your Feeds

    Take some time to put all your feeds for the swim together the night before the big swim. Make sure they are mixed properly and are labeled to make it easier for you and your crew to use on the swim. This way you won’t have to rush to get it all together the day of your swim and you know you won’t forget a step. You can take the time to focus on getting your mind right instead of logistics!

  3. Make Your Channel Grease & Get Your Gear In Order

    The night before your swim put get all of your swim gear ready and set aside in one place. Put your googles, swim suit, cap, ear plugs etc. all in one place so you aren’t scrambling to find it as you head out to your swim! Also this is a great time to make your channel grease because you don’t want this stuff all over your hands the day of your swim! Channel grease is a mix to help with sun protection and chaffing. It is composed of lanolin, petroleum jelly and zinc oxide and it works great but is near impossible to get off!

  4. Watch Your Favorite Movies

    You are going to spend a lot of time “in your head” during your long swim. I find it helpful to watch your favorite movies so you can think back to them while you are swimming to help take your mind off of things when they aren’t going great. My “Go To” movies are Men In Black, Men In Black 3 and Sister Act!

  5. Go To Bed Early

    It is important to get a solid sleep. You will probably toss and turn with excitement for your long swim so hitting the hay early will give you some additional rest time. You really want to get a great sleep the day before the day of the big swim but you will also want to try the night before your big swim as well! You want to go into this swim feeling good, energized and refreshed!

  6. Avoid Doing Or Watching Anything That Will Rile You Up

    In order to have a great long swim, you will need to be mentally focused. Watching a show, listening to a podcast or arguing with a loved one can all get in your head and can consume you when you are out on your long swim. Do everything in your power to avoid this so you can be mentally in the moment when the time comes. The last thing you want to do is be angry when it is time for a long swim. That will take up a lot of energy that you will need to finish your swim! Do everything to promote and think “Happy Thoughts!”

  7. Listen to Your Favorite Songs On The Way To The Swim

    Similar to point 4, this will help you mentally when things get tough or you get bored. The last thing you want is a song you hate stuck in your head! Try to listen to songs or podcasts that you like. When they get stuck in your head you will be very happy because you love them. This will help put you in a good mental space to conquer your long swim!

This is a check list that I like to follow for my long swims and that I recommend to my marathon swimmers. It is not an exhaustive list and there are certainly other elements you might add to this or take away. This is meant to help get you started and on the right path to help you have a successful long swim!

I hope you found these tips helpful! If you have any elements that should be added to this list, then please drop them in the comments to help others just like you!

Successful swims are built with Endurance!