Endurance Swimming

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Step Into The Unknown: The Thrill of Open Water Swimming

As a marathon swim coach, one of the most exciting parts of this sport is its unpredictability. No two swims even in the same location are ever the same. The open water is not like the safe and controlled conditions of a swimming pool. They are active environments that are constantly changing and challenging swimmers in unique ways. This challenge, I believe, is the most thrilling part of marathon swimming. When a swimmer follows marathon swimming rules, it is truly a competition of human versus the elements in which the person is completely exposed and has nowhere to hide.

Marathon swimming is not just a physical challenge, but a mental one. You must remain resilient, adaptive, and patient in the face of many unknowns. You will experience wind, waves, temperature, currents, marine life, and even the quality of the water itself. All these factors can change in an instant and cannot be controlled. You must learn to respond to these changes with flexibility, treating each change not as a setback but as a chance to see what they are made of!

Currents are a perfect example of this. A sudden change can easily push a you off course. You have to adjust your course accordingly, while saving energy to finish the swim. This constant adjustment and adaptation is not only a physical demand but also a mental one, requiring focus, thinking, and determination. This makes open water swimming a thinking persons sport!

Water temperature is another huge challenge you will face. You may start in warm waters and finish in freezing ones, with temperatures fluctuating dramatically along the swim. The body's response to these changes can significantly impact performance and safety. Learning how to manage your physical reaction to these changes is a critical component of marathon swimming preparation and can mean the difference between completing a swim or not.

The solitary nature of marathon swimming adds to its intrigue. You will spend hours alone with your thoughts, dealing with doubts, fears, fatigue, and the urge to quit. This solitude transforms the sport into a personal journey of self-discovery and resilience. Marathon swimming offers a chance for you to push against personal boundaries, revealing your true strength and character in the process. When you finish a major long swim, you rarely come out the same person as you went in.

The most exciting part to me as a marathon swim coach is watching my athletes learn the skills to navigate these challenges successfully. More important than completing a major swim is when the athlete learns to embrace the unpredictable nature of the open water, developing the mental toughness to overcome unexpected obstacles, and learning to appreciate the journey.

Open water swimming creates a sense of achievement and self-confidence. Whether you're aiming for a one-mile swim or a marathon, reaching your target in the open water is a major accomplishment. It's a mental victory that strengthens your self-confidence and mental fortitude. When you overcome the challenges the open water throws at you, it brings with it a confidence that you can overcome any of life's obstacles.

In many ways, marathon swimming is a metaphor for life. We are all swimming in an ocean of unknowns. We can't control the currents, but we learn the tools to navigate through them. We can't change the water temperature, but we find ways to adapt to it. No matter how choppy the water become, we push forward with determination and resilience knowing the only way out is by pushing through it. Being comfortable and learning to deal with unknowns is the most important part of the marathon swimming journey. This skill will take root in you and will extend into your life far beyond just swimming, making you a stronger person both physically and mentally!

The thrill of open water swimming is its unpredictability, the connection to nature and the personal achievement. It’s an exciting journey of self-discovery that leaves you with much more than better swimming skills. If you're considering taking the plunge, I can promise you that the adventure you’ll go on will be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your life!

Successful Swims Are Built With Endurance!